Som Project Engineering Co.Inc. is an international project and engineering company located in Ankara, Turkey. It was founded at the beginning of 2000 years, and has been completed more than a hundred projects for the last 23 years.


The company has been completed in highways and motorways, Railways and infrastructures projects for more than 20 years;

·         Condition survey services,

·         Topography and current map modeling services,

·         Geological, geotechnical and geotechnical soil research services,

·         Hydrological survey, drainages project and irrigation project services,

·         RC concrete and structural steel structures project services,

·         Tunnels and open-close structures project services,

·         Traffic safety project services,

·         Environmental and regional planning services,

·         Landscape projects services,

·         With Construction Consultancy Services,


Som Project performs field/site investigations, feasibility studies, technical studies and tender/bidding/pre-construction/proposal documents, exploration and measurement studies of preliminary, existing and final and application projects in a professional and competent manner in wide range areas of expertise.


SOM Proje Engineering has accredited TS EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificates.